Pre-Institute Workshop:
Keeping it Simple in the Small Church: 8 Keys for Ministry Planning
Planning ministries in a small congregation can be daunting – there is always more ministry opportunity than resources and more heart than hands! In this Pre-Institute session, Dr. Blake Bradford, co-author of Mission Possible for the Small Church and IMPACT!, will offer eight keys to plan ministries that will fit the capacity of the small congregation. These keys provide a sustainable way forward for churches that make a God-sized impact in their communities and neighborhoods.
Featured Session:
Small Church/Big Impact: Simplifying Leadership, Structure, and Ministries in the Small Congregation
Since most congregations in the nation have a weekly worship attendance under 75, this featured session will assist you in taking home the BIG experience of the Church of the Resurrection and the Leadership Institute and helping it fit into your smaller context. Dr. Blake Bradford, co-author of Mission Possible for the Small Church and IMPACT!, will offer tips for rethinking and right-sizing your small church ministry to make a God-sized impact in your communities. He will share models and practical steps for smaller congregations to rethink community engagement, simplify their decision-making and governance, empower laity, and strategically plan ministries that are the right fit for small churches.