Simplified Accountable Structure
from the co-author of Mission Possible 3+: A Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness
Meetings are not ministry! Let’s focus on ministry while making meetings fewer in number but larger in meaning. In this book aimed at congregational leaders, particularly United Methodists, the authors provide practical, field-tested steps to simplify your church structure and unleash more people into ministry. Too often churches try to simplify their structures by just having fewer people at the meeting table. But real simplification and accountable leadership means that meetings – and leaders – are transformed. Kay and Blake walk you through both the technical and adaptive changes to simplify your structure for missional effectiveness.
Mission Possible, by Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford, has been taken to a new level. In Mission Possible 3+, Kay and Blake have re-written and updated their best-selling resource for local churches to better assist congregations seeking to use the simplified, accountable leadership structure, often called the one-board model.
The authors remind the reader that meetings are not ministry. The idea of the simplified, accountable leadership structure is to focus on ministry while making meetings fewer in number but larger in meaning. In this third edition of the bestselling book aimed at congregational leaders, particularly United Methodists, the authors provide practical, field-tested steps to simplify your church structure, practice accountable leadership, and unleash more people into ministry.
Too often churches try to simplify their structures by just having less meetings and having fewer people at the meeting table. But real simplification and accountable leadership means that meetings – and leaders – are transformed. Kay and Blake walk you through the three distinct phases: discern the right path, equip participants for accountable leadership, and implement both the technical and adaptive changes to simplify your structure and align your resources for missional effectiveness.
This expanded and updated version also includes two new sections: a section chock full of 26 indispensable resources and an exclusive nearly 40-page brand-new, judicatory section. This expansive resource is packed with invaluable tools for leadership board members, pastors, nominating committee members, and judicatory leaders. Because of both Kotan’s and Bradford’s deep and on-going commitment and investment in the evolution of simplified accountable structure, this resource is expanded in size to 300 pages. The authors share the latest best practices from working with hundreds of congregations of all sizes and thousands of leaders from across the nation. This essential resource is now in a larger user-friendly workbook format (8.5 x 11) and offers new expansive worksheets, charts, samples, and checklists to assist leaders in effectively implementing the model with thoroughness and efficiency. No church leader will want to lead a post-modern, post-pandemic church without this tool in their hands!
Vital and fruitful churches must be governed and led in new ways today so that Christ’s mission for us can be fulfilled! The disciple-making mission which Christ has given us is too important to let bureaucratic redundancies distract us from our work. For the sake of Christ’s mission and our mission fields, many churches are discovering that there are simpler ways to provide governance and strategic direction, so that the congregation can be unleashed for ministry.
A simplified single board structure makes it possible for your church to better focus on leadership equipping, missional alignment, and your next steps in ministry. Meanwhile, removing bureaucratic redundancies allows more members to spend their time in service as disciples who make disciples. By consolidating administrative functions into a single board, disciples can focus on using their spiritual gifts and passions for ministry to contribute to the vitality of the congregation as it seeks to reach the mission field.
This method of simplifying your church’s administrative leadership and governance is allowed by¶247.2 of the 2016 Discipline of the UMC :
The charge conference, the district superintendent, and the pastor, when a pastor has been appointed (see ¶ 205.4), shall organize and administer the pastoral charge and churches according to the policies and plans herein set forth. When the membership size, program scope, mission resources, or other circumstances so require, the charge conference may, in consultation with and upon the approval of the district superintendent, modify the organizational plans, provided that the provisions of ¶ 243 are observed.
Mission Possible for the Small Church
Mission Possible for the Small Church is designed to help the small church simplify leadership approaches, church decision-making structures, and approaches to ministry. At the same time, it also offers tools to help clarify, focus, and guide small churches so each can operate effectively and efficiently. Ultimately, we hope and pray this resource helps the small church become a lean, relationally-focused, disciple-making movement with greater Kingdom impact!
The governing model for most mainline denominations was explicitly designed to slow down the decision-making processes. The legacy model of governance is for multiple governing committees to meet (always in person), work through questions, send them to a church council, perhaps have questions sent back to numerous other committees.
Today’s context for congregations couldn’t be more different. While the legacy structures we inherited are exquisitely designed to make sure nothing new ever happens, the leadership structures that we need today must be nimble, adaptive decision-making groups that are designed to hold us accountable to Jesus’ mission and unleash more disciples to be engaged in ministry, not just attend meetings about ministry.
Video WorkshopS: Simplified Accountable Structure
There is nothing like receiving equipping straight from the authors themselves! Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford, authors of Mission Possible, are also coaches and practitioners to hundreds of churches and thousands of leaders across the country in simplified, accountable structure. They will personally lead you through this series of five videos covering more than four hours of training for leadership board members. Take a deep dive into simplification, accountability, guiding principles, the leadership covenant, organizational structure, new conversations starting from a new agenda, the “packet,” annual leadership rhythms, strategic ministry planning, and so much more. You will NOT be disappointed with the amount of learning, materials, and resources covered in this jam-packed training. This is a must for EVERY leadership board member serving in simplified, accountable structure! And, most leaders appreciate attending more than once!
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Different from the Equipping Leadership Boards in Simplified, Accountable Leadership, this training replaces the traditional Book of Discipline“My Job” training offered for separate trustees, finance, staff parish relations, and church council committees in the traditional structure. This equipping video covers the specifics of the Discipline requirements such as audits, internal control policies, fraud triangle, fiduciary compliance with child protection and relational boundaries policies and processes, mandated reporting, appointment consultation, executive session, confidentiality, trust clause, insurance, and incorporation status. This comprehensive four-part, 2.5 hour series is packed with valuable information and is brought to you by the authors of Mission Possible, Kay Kotan & Blake Bradford.
Free Downloadable Resources FROM Mission Possible
SAS Overview and FAQs (Appendix R26 and R2)
Simplified Structure FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions (appendix R-2) This short list of FAQs answers common questions that United Methodist leaders have about the simplified or “single board” administrative structure.
Organizational Chart Examples (appendix R-4) Samples of organizational charts using Simplified Accountable Structure
Step by Step: Moving Toward Simplified Structure (appendix B) A short 10-step PDF list for congregational leaders contemplating changing to simplified structure. This list is perfect to organize a timeline for your transition. Each step is explained fully in the book, along with a set of “rules for the road” for nominations committees when considering the UMC disciplinary implications of the simplified accountable leadership structure.
Nominations Samples (appendix F) This document is an editable version of the nominations report for a simplified or “single board” administrative structure. It comes from appendix F in the 2019 edition of Mission Possible.
Sample Agenda (appendix J) Download an editable sample agenda from the appendix of the 2019 edition of Mission Possible.
Sample Motion (PDF, appendix R-9) This Charge Conference motion is designed to provide a Disciplinary basis to shift to Simplified Accountable Structure.
FREE 2 Session Discipleship Ministries Webinar:
“A Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness”
Church leaders want to equip more people for ministry. They long for a simpler decision-making process focused on discipleship, not endless meetings. But simply having fewer meetings won’t inspire more people to live into their calling. What will? Creating a clear and focused accountability structure that places the church’s disciple-making mission front and center.
This two-session 2021 webinar series with leadership coach Kay Kotan and District Superintendent Blake Bradford looks at how simplified, accountable leadership structure (often called the “one-board” model) can empower, equip, and set laity and clergy free to focus on the mission of making disciples of Jesus who change the world.
Session 1: What is SAS?
Session 2: How to Implement SAS
Sample Accountability Meeting with Kay Kotan & Blake
Watch a SAS Board Meeting (Free Video)
SAS Leadership Boards often struggle with implementing accountability when moving to a simplified structure. Since it is often not used, understood, or modeled, we have provided a 40 minute training video to demonstrate accountable leadership at the Leadership Board level.