Coaching, Group Facilitation, Consulting, and Workshops
“Conversation is the currency of change.”
The 21st Century requires bold, courageous leaders willing to engage in courageous conversations. I help facilitate these conversations, journeying with leaders and congregations through uncomfortable times of wilderness toward health, vitality, and missional focus.
Small Church LeadershipBoard of Ordained Ministry Training & Processes
Strategic Planning
Staffing for Ministry
Congregational Leadership and Administration
United Methodist Polity & Discipline
SPRC/PPRC Training
The Role of Associate Pastors & Executive Pastors
Six Thinking Hats Parallel Thinking & Group Creative Planning
Circuit Elder/Shepherd Training
District Simplified Structure
Conflict Transformation Group Facilitation
Conflict and anxiety are a given in any community. With intentionality and communication, conflict can be transformed into a creative opportunity. I address conflict through some particular lenses:
Relying on Christ as our Center
Modeling Covenant Community
Defining Clarity in Committee Roles and Structure
Encouraging Creative Collaboration among all parties
Group Facilitation & Consulting
New Leader Onboarding (Blake is a certified onboarding facilitator)
Staffing for Ministry
Clergy Formation
Board of Ordained Ministry Training & Processes
Strategic Planning
Congregational Leadership
Supporting Associate Pastors & Executive Pastors
Leading a Large Congregation
Six Thinking Hats Parallel Thinking & Group Creative Planning
Blake is trained as a leadership coach through the Holmes Coaching Group. CAST is a training program approved by ICF, the International Coaching Federation. Learn more about coaching in the Arkansas Conference at the Center for Vitality website.
Benefits of Coaching
Discovery: The coach approach is a self-discovery process, where the person being coached discovers solutions & implementations independently as the coach promotes discovery throughout the conversation.
Expand the possibilities: The person being coached is challenged to envision many different perspectives and possibilities before committing to a plan of action.
Action: Coaching is action-oriented.
Calculated Risk Taking: A coach challenges the person to push the envelope and take risks that are proceeded by reflection and preparation.
Support: Throughout the coaching relationship, the coach provides support and encouragement to the person being coached.
Accountability: A key characteristic of coaching is accountability — not to the coach, but from the person being coached to him/herself.
-- Rev. Chris Holmes, creator of CAST, the Coach Approach Skills Training