40 Minute free Webinar with Authors Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford (Click here for the Webinar Page)
Eight Week Curriculum with Facilitator and Participant Discussion Guides
Facilitator's Guide (41 page PDF)
Participant Handouts (8 pages of handouts in PDF)
Staff/Pastor Parish Monthly Meeting Annual Timeline Sample from the Arkansas Conference:
Small Group Leader Monthly Check-in Form (Chapter 3):
Intentional Discipleship Pathway Tools (Chapter 3):
What leaders AROUND THE DENOMINATION are saying about IMPACT!
“What an ‘IMPACT’ for the Gospel of Jesus Christ could be made if every congregation studied this book and reclaimed the call of lay ministry! ”
“Dr. Bradford and Kay Kotan have written an insightful book challenging the church to reclaim the God-sized IMPACT of the partnership between laity and clergy together strengthening the local church for a future with hope. This practical book is full of stories, practical examples, and questions to help ignite a movement where laity are inspired, equipped and mobilized for ministry and IMPACT!
“Kay Kotan and Blake Bradford have cracked the code on moving lay people from spinning their wheels, to really making an impact in their churches. This comprehensive resource is rooted in time-tested methodologies and “in the trench” case studies that will inspire transformational action amongst your people. Each section digs deep into all of the most important aspects of implementation. As seismic shifts are taking place in the church, the way leaders engage laypeople has to look different than it has in the past. You’d be hard pressed to find better, more knowledgable guides to lead you forward on this journey.”
“Truly a book that will IMPACT your congregational life and alter the way you think about discipleship. Kay and Blake offer insightful examples and stories for developing disciples, relational worship and building effective small groups. The perfect book for your next congregational study!”
Every Christian is called to ministry. Help the people of your congregation claim their call!
The ancient church spread rapidly throughout the Mediterranean world and, centuries later, the Methodist Church spread like wildfire on the American frontier thanks largely to lay Christians who shared the Christian faith in their homes and communities. Over time, our primary church leadership models have emphasized the leadership of the clergy and have devalued the ministry of the laity. IMPACT offers practical and proven plans to help clergy and laity partner together again to spread the Gospel in a new day and age!
Market Square Books is a division of Market Square Publishing, a Christian company focusing on works to edify the modern-day church. The market square name comes from John Wesley’s practice of preaching in market squares and the iconic market square in Knoxville, TN.