About Blake
Rev. Blake Bradford, D.Min.
Pastor, Author, Consultant, and Coach
Blake Bradford is passionate about coaching and encouraging Christian leaders in our common mission of making disciples and transforming the world. Blake has recently completed almost a decade of service as a District Superintendent and conference staff member in the Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church.
Blake has co-authored several books: IMPACT! Reclaiming the Call of Lay Ministry was written to encourage and equip lay leaders take ownership of Christ's mission and vision of the congregation as it seeks to engage their neighborhood and community. Mission Possible 3+: A Simple Structure for Missional Effectiveness (and its predecessor volume) were designed as a handbook for churches seeking to use the simplified accountable leadership structure often called the “one board model.” Mission Possible for the Small Church expands on his previous work with simplified leadership, along with chapters on small church ministry planning and “leading from the porch swing,” He is also the author of a volume in The Greatest Expedition Series, Strengthening Decision-Making & Governance for New Expeditions.
Currently the new lead pastor of First UMC of Fort Smith, Arkansas, Blake has pastored churches of different sizes and contexts, including serving as executive pastor of a 3500-member congregation in Little Rock. Before his appointment to the Cabinet, Blake served the Arkansas Conference Center for Vitality as a congregational coach, consultant, and conflict transformation mediator. Dr. Bradford, a graduate of Hendrix, Vanderbilt, Iliff School of Theology, and Perkins School of Theology at SMU, has taught at conferences and trainings across the country, and continues to serve as a consultant and coach for church judicatories across the UMC connection. Blake also holds a second-degree black belt, which he believes might possibly have been his best training for ministry. Learn more and download resources at www.blakebradford.org.
Master of Arts, History of Christian Thought, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee (M.A., 1998)
Graduate Student, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Keble College and Wycliff Hall, Oxford, Great Britain (1998)
Bachelor of Arts, Religion, Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas (B.A., 1996)
Doctor of Ministry, Parish Leadership, Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas (D.Min., 2014). Doctoral Project: “Passing the Mantle” exploring the use of peer groups and continuing education in post-seminary pastoral formation.
Master of Divinity, Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado (M.Div., 2000)
Ministry History
Fort Smith First United Methodist Church
Lead Pastor
Arkansas Conference Cabinet
Chief Mission Strategist and District Superintendent
The Central District, 2018-2021
The Northwest District, 2021-2024
Dean of the Cabinet, 2020-2024
The Center for Vitality
The Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church
Assistant Director, 2015 - 2018
Resourcing vital congregations that make disciples of Jesus Christ, who make disciples equipped to transform lives, communities, and the world.
St James United Methodist Church
Little Rock, Arkansas
Executive Pastor, 2011-2015
At St. James, a 3500-member congregation, Blake worked with clergy, staff, and lay leadership to align and coordinate the church’s ministries so that St. James could be a vibrant, growing church, changing lives and reshaping futures for Jesus Christ. During his tenure, he led a $5 million capital campaign that involved a new youth wing, remodeled children's area and other facilities, and debt reduction.
Little Rock, Arkansas
Senior Pastor, 2009-2011
Blake served as the centennial pastor at this multi-staff congregation nestled in the Kingwood neighborhood of Little Rock.
Russellville, Arkansas
Pastor, 2005-2009
During Blake's tenure, the congregation entered into a new season of visioning and missional planning, and the church doubled in small groups and worship attendance.
Texarkana, Arkansas
Associate Pastor, 2000-2005
In his first appointment following seminary, Blake served this congregation following a fire that destroyed the historic sanctuary. He assisted in leading the staff and lay leadership ministry planning team, and he was part of a building committee that funded and built a new sanctuary.
Denver Colorado
Student Associate Pastor, 1998-2000