BOM Residency Process in the Arkansas Conference



In 2009, I created a Residency In Ministry Process on behalf of the Arkansas Conference BOM, and this process became the focus on my research in pastoral formation for my doctoral project at SMU.  I have also presented my research with fellow members of the GBHEM's Advisory Group on the Provisional Residency Process.

 It is clear from studies about clergy life that early patterns and attitudes become basic for a person’s self-confidence and view of his/her ministry. A new clergyperson's way of understanding her vocation as a United Methodist Minister is created during this time, and research shows that it will last during the whole of her ministry. This is the time that that clergy set habits, styles, and inclinations for a lifetime of ministry. Through the Residency Committee, clergy mentors, and residency peer groups, the Board of Ordained Ministry (BOM) and Center for Vitality offer provisional ministers a curriculum that supports the practice and work of their ministry as servant leaders, to contemplate the grounding of ordained ministry, and understand the covenant ministry in the life of the Arkansas Conference of the UMC.